: egg and the egg development in killies
: the resting killifish embryo
: Cynolebias whitei
: Cynopoecilus - Cynolebias - (Leptolebias)
: killing hydra in rain forest tanks
Lowering the pH to less than 5.0 does the trick. Fish and invertebrates not affected. Also, Scheel lists what fish he has to send eggs from; about a dozen or so species.
: the blue gularis
: Pterolebias
Epiplatys bifasciatus
: Aphyosemion labarrei
: Aphyosemion cognatum
: killing hydra II (tanks with peat and peatmoss)
:the balanced aquarium
Copper against Oodinium in stocks of Nothobranchius
: more crossings in Aphyosemion
Also: Cynolebias (Cynopoecilus) melanotaenia "The Fighting Gaucho"
: a black male Cynolebias whitei
: the genus Aphyosemion
: resting eggs
: recent crossings
: the genus Nothobranchius
: general information on peat
: Nothobranchius melanospilus
: resting eggs in Aphyosemion filamentosum
: Nothobranchius palmquisti
: The genus Oryzias
: sending of eggs
: The Genus Aplocheilus