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2006 AKA Show Results

2006 AKA Show Results
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1 New World Non-Annuals, except Rivulus
PTS Rank Entry #   SPECIES                             EXHIBITOR
92   1    10     Jordanella floridae                  Paul Bricknell
86   2    6      Cyprinodon species Sonora ablino     Allen Semeit
85   3    18     Fundulus nottii Kelly State Park AL  Ken Normandin

CLASS: 2 Rivulus
90 1 22 Rivulus sp. Paryagi                         Ciceron (KCF)
87 2 11 Rivulus cylindraceus "Al Castro"            Allen Semeit
86 3 9  Rivulus igneus Crique Fourgasser JRG 03/2   Jose Garcia

CLASS: 3 New World Annuals
92 1 11 Simpsonichthys boitonei IBGE 2005           Dan Katz
90 2 15 Simpsonichthys boitonei IBGE 2005           Andre Carletto
89 3 16 Aphyolebias rubrocaudatus 153               Darlene Weisman

CLASS: 4 Nothobranchius
89 1 4  Nothobranchius palmquisti TZ94/7              Scott Graner
86 2 27 Nothobranchius palmquisti                     Jim & Liz Hutchings
85 3 2  Nothobranchius korthausae Mafia Is. TAN, 02-5 Gregory Schoenberg

CLASS: 5 Fundulopanchax (except Paraphyosemion)
88 1 5 Fundulopanchax deltaensis                    Guy Bagley
84 2 3 Fundulopanchax fallax CT 98                  Monty Lehman
83 3 6 Fundulopanchax marmoratus Mundemba GS-1      David Ramsey

CLASS: 6 Fundulopanchax (paraphyosemion)
92 1 2 Fundulopanchax  gardneri gardneri Misaje     Bill Logue
89 2 22 Fundulopanchax gardneri gardneri gold       Jim Gasior
87 3 14 Fundulopanchax gressensi Dagwa ntale        Bernard Lefevre (KCF)

CLASS: 7 Fundulopanchax sjoestedti (Blue Gularis)
88 1 1 Fundulopanchax sjoestedti                    Gary Greenwood
77 2 4 Fundulopanchax sjoestedti Dwarf Red          Paul Bricknell
76 3 3 Fundulopanchax sjoestedti "Bob's fish room"  Robert Schwiegerath

CLASS: 8 Mesoaphyosemion, (except "calliurum" types)
92 1 2  Aphyosemion mimbon LEC93/19                          John Metzger
91 2 31 Aphyosemion ogoense pyrophore Komono RPC82           Marc Bogaerts (AKFB)
88 3 32 Aphyosemion wildekampi Petit Ngomlembele BLLMC05/10  Marc Bogaerts (AKFB)

CLASS: 9 Mesoaphyosemion, ("calliurum" types)
85 1 15 Aphyosemion australe Chocolate              Robert Schwiegerath
84 2 33 Aphyosemion striatum Lambarene              Craig McGowan
83 3 36 Aphyosemion australe Orange                 Frank Cowherd

CLASS: 10 Chromaphyosemion
86 1 16 Aphyosemion poliaki ekona              Jack Heller
85 2 8  Aphyosemion bivittatum Funge C91       Henri Debruyn (KFN)
84 3 15 Aphyosemion splendopleure Tiko green   Ruth Warner

CLASS: 11 Archaphyosemion/Scriptaphyosemion
89 1 2 Archiaphyosemion petersi                   Kent Carpenter
85 2 7 Scriptaphyosemion chaytori Ngabi CL 03/02  Buz Allen
81 3 8 Scriptaphyosemion guignardi Soughette      Buz Allen

12 All other aphyosemion (elberti, christi, cognatum, and related types)
94 1 13 Aphyosemion labarrei                           John Clairmont
92 2 24 Aphyosemion exiguum Ngoule-Makong BLLMC 05/11  Marc Bogaerts (AKFB)
92 3 5  Aphyosemion elberti Makenene CLL 01/13 f2      Martin Fourcade

13 Epiplatys
88 1 37 Epiplatys ansorgii massana gsj 00/02          Jim Gasior
87 2 2  Epiplatys sexfasciatus sexfasciatus Biassang   Bill Logue
86 3 39 Epiplatys bifasciatus Venego TMBB 90/1         Henri Debruyn (KFN)

14 Other African and Eurasian
94 1 13 Aphanius danfordii Soysalli, Turkey  Dave Koran
93 2 11 Aplocheilus kirchmayeri P-03         Paul Bricknell
92 3 6  Aplocheilus lineatus red             Gregory Schoenberg

15 Matched Breeding Pairs
93 1 8 Cubanichthys pengelleyi                  Charles Nunziata
79 2 6 Foerschichthys flavipinnis               Gerhart Schreiber (DKG)
82 2 1 Fundulopanchax gardneri gardneri Biassa  Gregory Schoenberg

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Richard J. Sexton